MPV Player Setup

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11/18/2024 · Authored by 

Why Use MPV?

MPV is not a player, it's video player's library, just like libvlc and VLC Player. But MPV is more light-weight and configurable, which could achieve a better watching experience.

Download And Install

You could get the newest version of MPV player on Windows via this link:

Or you can use the cross-platform version:

When your installation is done, you could play almost any kind of video, as libmpv is based on FFmpeg, which provides a wide support for video codec and container format.


It's useful to remember a few shortcuts, which provide faster access than GUI.

  • s to save screenshot
  • t or i to show stats
  • [and] to adjust playback speed

Here is a quick reference to MPV shortcuts: link


Here is the most important part, you could fully control MPV player's behavior using a config file. Go to the installation folder of MPV and create a folder called portable_config, and then create a mpv.conf inside.


If you didn't specify the installation path, it should locate at C:/Users/{username}/AppData/Roaming/mpv/ or C:/Program Files/

If your installation path is in the system folder (like the latter one), you'll need to make sure that you enabled access from certain user and software: Right Click Folder → Properties → Security → Edit → Apply

Here are some basic configuration settings:

# use high quality render settings

# reduce pull down judder
# interpolation=yes
# enable hardware decoding
# try all codecs with hwaccel


You could copy-and-paste, or search the Internet and customize your own mpv.conf based your own computer setup.

Oh, by the way you could customize shortcuts using the input.conf in the same path.


MPV supports third party shaders, which could prettify your video experience.

In my circumstance, I'm going to use Anime4K, download it the latest release and move those something.glsl or something.hook into your config folder.

And if you are using Anime4K, add those into input.conf will enable the keyboard control of shaders:

# Optimized shaders for higher-end GPU
CTRL+1 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_VL.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_VL.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode A (HQ)"
CTRL+2 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Clamp_Highlights.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_Soft_VL.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_VL.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x2.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_AutoDownscalePre_x4.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode B (HQ)"
CTRL+3 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders set "~~/shaders/Anime4K_Deblur_DoG.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Restore_CNN_VL.glsl;~~/shaders/Anime4K_Upscale_CNN_x2_M.glsl.glsl;"; show-text "Anime4K: Mode C (HQ)"

CTRL+0 no-osd change-list glsl-shaders clr ""; show-text "GLSL shaders cleared"

If this doesn't fit for you, go check whether those filenames match your shader files in the config folder.

After that, you could toggle shader while playing video!


VS is an open source non-linear processing video frame service plug-in that uses Python as the scripting language. MPV supports VS being inserted into the video playback process in the form of filters.

To use VapourSynth, you need to install it first:

After you download the latest zip file from this link: VapourSynth, you should extract it to the MPV installation folder.

Then you should download python as the plugin uses python to execute: Python


Based on your VapourSynth version, you may need Python 3.12.x or Python 3.8.x, pick a version that matches your need.

If your computer already has Python and you don't want to install another version of it, you could use the embedded version, download and decompress it into the MPV installation folder.


If you're using an embedded version of python and the latest version of VapourSynth, please follow these operations.

The latest version of VapourSynth needs you to download the package from pip, but the embedded version of Python does not contain pip, which means you cannot use pip install.

You could get pip with the following operations:

  1. Go to the embedded python installation folder
  2. Edit the python312.__pth file, uncomment the line import site.
  3. Download via this link: get-pip to this folder.
  4. Run python

When you finish these steps, you could use ./Scripts/pip install VapourSynth to install the package.


After you installed VapourSynth, you could frame video with mvtools. Acquire mvtools via this link: mvtools, then extract the libmvtools.dll into the {installation path}/vs-plugins.

The last step is to get the python script which calls the mvtools: link

Download the file and put it to the config path(portable_config).

Modify Input

You have already set up all plugins; all you need to do is to call it. Add this line to your input.conf:

CTRL+v vf toggle vapoursynth="~~/{filename}.vpy"

Then just press Ctrl+v to enjoy a 60-fps and hyper-resolution anime experience!


mpv 播放器的使用【入门】

跨平台播放器mpv 配置入门
